Wednesday, March 29, 2006

More Lists!

With our upcoming graduation and entrance into the working world, I thought it would be wise to read up on personal finance. You see, I know nothing. From 401K to stocks and bonds to money markets, it's all the same to me. So, I got side tracked with all this information on the American millionaire. Here's another list... It's a direct quote... It's a fun list... I've got the theme song to the apprentice in my head "money, money, mon-ey, mon-ey!"

Samuel has thus classified American millionaires into five archetypes, each with its own Passion Points, consuming habits, and style, as follows:

Thrillionaires. These are Thorstein Veblen's conspicuous consumers: generally insecure people who thirst for privacy and exclusivity, and for whom objects and a first-class lifestyle are a constant reminder of status and success. Well-known exemplar: Donald Trump. Natural habitat: Las Vegas; Boca Raton, Fla.

Coolionaires. These rich aesthetes may not work in creative fields, but they view creativity as the essence of life. They plow cash into fine art, cool architecture, and benefits at the New York Public Library. Money is, in Samuel's words, an "opportunity to express one's status as a person of refinement and sophistication." Well-known exemplars: disgraced opera impresario Alberto Vilar, money manager/utopian community developer Boykin Curry. Natural habitat: Manhattan below 14th Street.

Realionaires. Practical, unassuming types. These people like to live under the radar and stay out of gossip columns. While they hate to spend money unnecessarily, "they're willing to splurge on things that matter to them," said Samuel. "Ivy League Schools, Stickley furniture, professional appliances." They have an affinity for big-ticket, brand-name items because they deliver value, not status. Well-known exemplar: Warren Buffett. Natural habitat: The Midwest.

Wellionaires: Spiritual rich folks who view life in holistic terms. They're willing to splurge to make sure they look good, feel healthy, and stay in good shape. They're open to therapy, New Age thinking, and alternative medicine. Well-known exemplars: disgraced former Time Warner CEO Gerald Levin, Los Angeles Lakers coach Phil Jackson, Oprah. Natural habitat: Sedona, Ariz.; Santa Monica, Calif.

Willionaires: What used to be known as Old Money. These are people who recognize their privilege and responsibility to leave the world a better place than they found it. Social entrepreneurs, they're interested in their legacy and maintaining traditions. They view philanthropy as a way of life. Well-known exemplars: David Rockefeller, Bill Gates. Natural Habitat: Maine, Park Avenue.

"Are You a Thrillionaire or a Realionaire? The five kinds of rich people." By Daniel Gross
Posted Friday, March 24, 2006, at 5:51 PM ET on, found via

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Types of Men to Avoid

I haven't posted in a while. Not sure why. I can't say I've been very busy. Here's a list. I'm a big fan of lists. I love anything you can put into a list or use bullets or categories. compiled a list of the eight types of guys women avoid, why they are unappealing and what to do if you're that 'type' of guy:

1. The Needy Guy: He is overly emotional and shares all his feelings with her right away. My opinion- dull, not mysterious, probably doesn't work out or tan either. Oh, I was reading The Nerdy Guy. Needy Guy- you can't have two girls in the relationship.
2. The Predictable Guy: He follows formulas and never wants to do anything differently. My opinion-Dull, where's the sense of adventure? the fun?
3. The Arrogant Guy: He has a huge ego and he's condescending. He is also rude. My opinion-Forget it. Unless he's hot and you're bored, but don't date him for too long.
4. The Boorish Guy: He doesn't try to hide the fact that he's checking out other women while in her presence. My opinion- It's okay for a guy to occassionally check out chicks, especially later on when the realtionship is more stable. But again, I say occassionally check out chicks. Not on the first date. And not in an obvious manner. Rude.
5. The Cheap Guy: He invites a woman to dinner and then subtly suggests they go Dutch. My oponion- This is okay from time to time, especially if you're equal earners. But if he makes you pay your way each and every time or on the first date, I would be considered about his financial stability or about how he values my company.
6. The Arguer: When he takes a woman out, he makes her feel like she's in debate class rather than on a date. My opinion- Yeah, I don't think so.
7. The Self-Righteous Guy: This guy is very judgmental of others. My opinion- This guy needs to calm down and get over himself.
8. The Misogynist: This guy makes no secret of his bitterness toward women. My opinion- Then, why is he even dating? Loser. Go seek therapy.

I thought of a couple that the list is missing.
9. Mama's Boy: He still talks to his mother every night and can't make a decision without her. She picks out his clothes and still does his laundry. He has to get her approval before dating you. She criticises your behaviors because noone is good enough for her boy.
10. The Bad Boy: Who doesn't love some fun, some craziness? But it comes with a price. When he has more tatoos than items on his resume, can't hold a job or can't be found if you need him, then who wants him for more than a few nights? ;)

Oh, and then, there's the player...
11. The Player. He dates several women at the same time. Or he dates you but always has a back up or two in case the evning doesn't work out. His cell phone rings but he turns it off and puts it back in his pocket. Was that a friend or another girl? You can never tell.
12. The Pretty Boy (THIS IS FUN!) He owns more hair products than you do. He checks out his reflection in the mirror every chance he gets. Instead of complimenting your dress, he asks "Do you like my shirt?" and expects a yes. You have to wait for him to get ready.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


A few weeks ago I was hanging out with my friends. I forget how the conversation started but I think we were discussing the ice castle hotels. Apparently, there is one in Canada and one in Sweden. I blurted out that my parents built me an igloo when I was a child.

Being that I am from a very small South TX town, my friends thought I was hallucinating or flat out demented. I reminded them that as a younger child, I lived in Illinois. It took a while but then they understood. Yes, my parents did build me an igloo in the cold and snowy state of Illinois.

The story goes that my neighbors had just bought a snow blower. After a heavy snow, they blew all the snow from their lawn into ours. My parents used this abundant snow to build me an igloo. :) My mom has my original childhood photos but I found this pic in a memory book my mother made me for one of my birthdays.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Match and Travel

Thursday was Match Day around the United States. Match Day is when medical students throughout the states learn where they will spend the next 3-7years of their training.

I was fortunate to match to Memorial Hermann Family Medicine Residency Program. A classmate matched their too. It should be interesting.

Some more good news. My friends and I organized a week long cruise during the month of April. We will be traveling to Honduras, Cancun and Belize. Looks like I'll be getting a tan, and lotsa food :)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm Back!

I reviewed my last entries and it looks as if I've killed the quotes. So, no more quotes for a while.

Match Day is coming up. It's next Thursday, March 16th. It's when I find out if I'll spend the next three years in Houston or in Houston :) Hopefully, I'll match to Houston.

I received my Step 2 CK score. Big Relief. One Step 2 down, and one Step 2 to go.

Cat's are all good. Sonnet is plump. He had belly folds that would hang down from his belly. It was like a mama cat who had loose skin from having kittens, except Sonnet is a boy. Those folds are full now and his belly is firm. He's been real happy.

My plants are a bit dull. The neglect and several cold nights got to them. I'm waiting for spring and some attention to cheer them up. I gave them plant food and I purchased some new soil. They should be good.

All my friends are good. Half are probably leaving for residency. How sad. I guess it's just part of growing up. There's a one week vacation planned in April. Yay!

Back to MMD Studying! Or going to bed, i dunno.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Notable Quotes.

My computer went out Sunday. So, postings will be few and far between. I found this interesting. I really had to think about it.

Some men are born to own, and can animate all their possessions. Others cannot: their owning is not graceful; seems to be a compromise of their character: they seem to steal their own dividends.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
American transcendentalist philosopher, essayist & lecturer