Sunday, April 30, 2006

Rollie Pollies vs. Doodle Bugs

I watched the movie 'Something to talk about' with Julia Roberts this morning. She calls her daughter doodle bug. I didn't think much about this but my brother mentioned that he has heard people call Rollie Pollies by the name of Doodle Bug. So, I looked it up. Apparently in some regions of the South people call Rollie Pollies, Doodle Bugs. However, a doodle bug is actually the larva stage of the Ant Lion.

Of course, I was wondering what an Ant Lion was. It turns out that my brother and I used to play with these. The build these little traps for the ants. My brother and i used to poke the traps with sticks and get the ant lions to come out :)

photo from

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Remember Home Improvements.

Home Improvements from Feb 2006.

-Don't say mean things just because I think they're funny and might make people laugh. In other words, be nice. Lessen the gossip. Reduce the nosiness. If someone doesn't personally tell you, then it's none of your business. Don't pass on information. If you hear a lot, keep it to yourself ;)
-Minimize the interruptions. This can be a big problem at times. I owe Gonzo $1 for each interruption :)
-Avoid racial comments. Although never meant to be hurtful, you never know when it may be taken the wrong way.
-Make it a point to introduce yourself to people and get their names. Up the politeness.
-Lessen my externalized internal monologue. No ramblings. No butting in. No changing topics.
-Sit up straight.
- Stop being so antisocial. Make new friends. Talk to people even if you're not really interested in them or what they're saying.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Uno Punishments.

Nothing much going on. I've been getting ready for graduation, tidying up loose ends. Looking for a new place to live. Not sure what I'm gonna do about that.

I think I need some sort of game plan. A list of Life Goals. That way my work is aimed at achieving an ultimate goal rather than just floundering around with the hope that I will end up in a good place. Like a financial plan and budget for your personal life. Well, I need a financial plan and budget too...

Uno Notes:
Draw 2, Reverse, Skips = 20 points
Wild and Draw 4's = 50 points
Card Suggestions= Draw 4 cards.
Forget to say Uno= Draw 2 cards.
Can Start With Word Cards, player to the left of the dealer does what the card says.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Uno Rocks!

We played Uno on the cruise. It was confusing because not everyone knows the official rules and we were playing half rules and half house rules. I think we also made the mistake of keeping score. That turned people competitive.

I looked up Uno rules on wikipedia. I learned there is only one 0 card for each color. And there's a version called Killer Uno, sounds fun. There's also different ways of keeping score. One way is to accumulate as many cards/points as you can. We should try all of these some time.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I finally scheduled my autopsy/pathology requirement. I'm one path requirement away from graduating. And two signatures in my yellow school passport. Ah...

Monday, April 24, 2006

it's not your space, it's My Space

I just joined myspace so check it out!

How is it that I'm twenty-something already?
It's crazy.
I'm just landing my first,
full-time job with
long hours, benefits and little vacation
and yet, I'm twenty-something.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Norweigian Cruise Lines

Returned from the cruise in one piece and I DID NOT GET THROWN OVER THE BOAT!


Saturday, April 15, 2006


Apparently, I really LOVE theme songs. I remember that I had a post about theme songs a month or two ago. I think I quoted the "Full House" theme song.


Here's a list of the available theme songs on AREN'T THEY THE BEST!?
Sorting TV Shows By Popularity

* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
* Ducktales
* The Super Mario Brothers Super Show
* Transformers
* Gummi Bears
* Thundercats
* Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers
* Kids Incorporated
* Muppet Babies
* He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
* Hey Dude
* Pee-Wee's Playhouse
* G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
* The Real Ghostbusters
* Beetlejuice
* Full House
* Eureeka's Castle
* Intro - Live Action
* Knight Rider
* Captain N: The Game Master
* Jem And The Holograms
* Perfect Strangers
* Fraggle Rock
* Voltron, Defender of the Universe
* The Legend of Zelda
* Alvin and the Chipmunks
* The World of David The Gnome
* Inspector Gadget
* The Muppet Show
* Garfield and Friends

Wish Me A Safe Trip!

Friday, April 14, 2006


Do I often demand attention? Here's an ADHD joke that gonzo told me and I liked.

How many children with ADHD does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Let's go ride bikes! :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Remember the Muppet Babies?

I had a dream last night that I was going to a rowdy theatre with a friend. We sat down. The show was about to start. I turned to him and was about to ask if we were going to have to go backstage during the show or if we were going to be on stage. Then, I realized, of course we were going to be on stage. I was with Kermie!

All of this was in the stage before deep sleep. Where your thoughts turn to gibberish but you're not yet deeply asleep.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bad Hair Cuts Do Happen.

My stylist decided to make my hair color the same as hers. She told me she was going to update my highlights, touch some of them up. Instead my hair is a different color. That's what I get for letting a new stylist do my hair. Sometimes the color calms down in a couple days. Let's see what happens.

Lesson: I should have waited for my usual stylist.

Monday, April 10, 2006


I've been in Zapata for the last few days; thus, the blog entries from my 9-year old step-brother, Mario Solis.

Zapata is a very different place. Everyone is the same ethnicity. We're all Mexican-American. Some people have been on the US side longer than others. Some people speak more English than others. The two are not linearly correlated. Just because someone has lived here their entire life does not mean he/she speaks English. Also, everyone knows everyone. They know you and your family and your extended family. They know who is married, who is divorced, who is sleeping with who. People know which children are not quite their father's children, etc. If a new car is seen in someone's driveway, then you'll get a phone call from someone wondering whose car that is. In a way it's a good thing. It keeps you safe. It should help keep people in line, away from things they shouldn't be doing. It's also odd though. You lose the anonymity that a big city offers. In a bigger city, you lead your life without worrying about what other people see and about what they think.

There's also no grass. Well, lawns with grass are rare and apparently need to be watered twice a day. It is so dry here. Plots of land just have dirt with pebbles and mesquite tree. Yucca and sage brush are peppered in. Women were lots of make-up. And I mean lots! Penciled in eyebrows, thick black eyeliner in the middle of the daytime, you get my drift. And there are many trucks, trucks with family names on their windows, "Bustamante," "Hernandez," "La Chula," "La Gorda," "El Shorty." Anyhow, I understand why people occasionally doubt my ethnicity. I'm missing the three kids, heavy make-up and monographed vehicle window.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Yesterday I saw Dragonballz. It was nice. They were trying to hurt Gohon . He transforms with Trunks. They transform into one person. They were killing Magen Voo. They almost killed him but they only cut off his antenna. I'm not sure what will happen.

Mario Solis

Saturday, April 08, 2006

My Day

Friday was a good day because my teacher let us do easy work. Then, we exchanged to our other class. We just tested on spelling words, story test, and another story test.

mario solis

Friday, April 07, 2006

Sodas & Benzene.

The FDA is currently exploring the level of benzene found in sodas. An independent study found that 19 of 24 samples contained four times the average tap water limit of Benzene.

Isn't this great? I recently (past two to four months) started consuming about two cans of soda a day. I usually don't finish the soda cans. I'd say I probably drink about 16oz a day. I knew they were bad for me. I just thought they were bad bcs they stain my teeth, have lotsa sugar, and eat my bones. I didn't know I had to worry about things like benzene.

Coke or Pepsi? Here's a quote:
Baylor University researchers gave 67 volunteers taste tests of Coke and Pepsi, and brain scans showed that when they knew what they were drinking it not only affected their preference, but also activated memory-related brain regions that recall cultural influences.
I think by Baylor University, the article is probably referring to Baylor College of Medicine. I participated in that study. I was given a pacifier with two tubes. They would squirt sips of either Pepsi or Coke through the tubs while I was in a fMRI. It was a Winnie the Pooh pacifier.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Another List!

5 women every guy's gotta date
By Jonathan Small (according to msn dating)
  1. The Older Women
  2. The Guy's Kinda Girl
  3. The Free Spirit
  4. The Brainy Chick
  5. The Seductress

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

"The Mexicans"

I've noticed that as a group, my friends and I are referred to as "The Mexicans." This is odd. Do we not have individual personalities? Or are we lumped into a group name out of convenience? One of us is actually a mixed race Mexican. If you said "The Mexicans" down in the Rio Grande Valley, then it would probably mean actual Mexicans straight from Mexico. Is this meant to be somewhat derogatory? As in 'Fortunately, I'm not Mexican but you are.' When it comes from Chirag, it is at time outright derogatory. He'll follow it with "go scrub my floors" or "go wash the dishes." Not nice. Not nice at all. I'm sure it is usually said out of convenience.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The CS Game Show

I took my CS Exam today. I decided it was much like a game show, only we weren't really competing and there were no prizes.

When we first arrived, we were placed in a large room, all facing each other in a U-pattern. We are systematically stripped of our personal identities. Our badges are removed. Our school patches are covered and our personal belongings are taken away. We are all wearing bland white coats. At this point, noone was talking. We were all checking out our competition. Who looks sharp? Who looks dim-witted? Who's gonna go home with the million dollars at the end?

Then, we were separated into the blue team and the red team. Looking tough, we lined up according to our numbers. Yeah, the red team goes first. I was Red Team #4. Take that Blue Team #24.

There were three rounds. The first round had 5 standardized patients, next round had 4, last round had 3. Each time, you waited in front of the patient's room wondering --what's behind door number 8? Is it a washer and dryer? Trip to the carribean? Sore throat?

At the end, you get is a letter saying you completed your exam.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Wreck Of The Day.

Part One
A new fad among teens is cigars. Even female teens are smoking them, according to msn news. Well, I've never found cigarettes appealing, nor cigars. But cigarillos, now those look cute. So, I looked them up.

Wikipedia says: A cigarillo is a short, narrow cigar. Unlike cigarettes, however, cigarillos are wrapped not in paper but in whole-leaf tobacco. Cigarillos also usually contain fewer additives (though often more than real cigars). Cigarillos can be found for purchase alone or in packs, and are made without filters. The filtered cigarillos are sometimes called "little cigars". Cigarillos, like cigars, are usually not inhaled, thus reducing the risk of lung cancer and emphysema compared to cigarette smoking.

Part Two
Most of you probably watched Grey's Anatomy last night. They had a song on by an artists that I have recently become fond of. Wreck of the Day, by Anna Nalick.

Driving away from the wreck of the day
And the light's always red in the rear-view
Desperately close to a coffin of hope
I'd cheat destiny just to be near you
If this is giving up, then I'm giving up
If this is giving up, then I'm giving up, giving up
On love, On love

Driving away from the wreck of the day
And I'm thinking 'bout calling on Jesus
'Cuz love doesnt hurt so I know I'm not falling in love
I'm just falling to pieces
And if this is giving up then I'm giving up
If this is giving up then I'm giving up, giving up
On love, On love

Maybe I'm not up for being a victim of love
All my resistance will never be distance enough

Driving away from the wreck of the day
And it's finally quiet in my head
Driving alone, finally on my way home to the comfort of my bed
And if this is giving up, then I'm giving up
If this is giving up, then I'm giving up, giving up
On love, On love

Also check out her song Catalyst. It's beautiful.

Wish me Luck. My CS is tomorrow.