Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Houston has a gang named MS13. For me, that means a medical student in his or hers 13th year of medical school. Sad.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Some Holiday Photos.

Cousins. The one in the grey jacket is a little genius boy.
Stepbrother with Christmas Present.
Mom and StepDad in background.
My brother and I with our Dad.

Group at TAFP Dinner at the Petroleum Club Downtown.


There was ice on my trees this morning. They weren't icicles. They were more like ice beads hanging from the leaves. Photo to follow.

Avocado seed project is failing. The seed is getting moldy and the toothpicks that were suspending the seed in the water broke.

Ladybugs! have arrived. They're chilling right now, literally, to keep them dormant until it's a bit friendlier outside. There are so many in that small plastic box. They all started waking up when I brought the box indoors and misted them with water. It was creepy. They're tiny.

I finally stopped working nights. I'm still having difficulty sleeping at night though.

Monday, January 08, 2007

ER vs LadyBugs vs Aphids.

So, I'm supposed to head to the ER room. I'm working nights. Instead I'm looking up lady bugs.

My rose garden now has aphids and I know even spraying them with pesticides, it's still gonna be a struggle to control the aphids. My jasmines have fuzzy white aphids. They're creepy. They're like little white, fuzzy ghosts. I cut the jasmines down and sprayed the plants but the aphids still come back. So, I think it's time to try biologicals.

I like this picture. It's a hungry, ferocious lady bug. "Take that aphid! I shall make you my dinner.Ha! Ha! Ha!"