Sunday, April 30, 2006

Rollie Pollies vs. Doodle Bugs

I watched the movie 'Something to talk about' with Julia Roberts this morning. She calls her daughter doodle bug. I didn't think much about this but my brother mentioned that he has heard people call Rollie Pollies by the name of Doodle Bug. So, I looked it up. Apparently in some regions of the South people call Rollie Pollies, Doodle Bugs. However, a doodle bug is actually the larva stage of the Ant Lion.

Of course, I was wondering what an Ant Lion was. It turns out that my brother and I used to play with these. The build these little traps for the ants. My brother and i used to poke the traps with sticks and get the ant lions to come out :)

photo from


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