Friday, May 05, 2006

Beer before liquor?

Today my friends and I were discussing the anatomy of a hangover. The nausea, vomitting and dizziness were due to toxicity. But I couldn't quite figure out what causes the sweating (clammy skin) and anxiety of a hangover. I was attributing it to the body having toxins, or having autonomic dysfunction, but neither made much sense. So, I looked it up. Turns out...

Being that alcohol is a CNS depressant, it turns off the brain's glutamine. This is what causes the disinhibition. We hurt ourselves and don't even feel it. When this wears off we get a glutamine rebound, which is why we over perceive all sensory stimuli. AND!

"Beer before liquor, never sicker. Alcohol before beer, you're in the clear." is true. because "Beer is chock full of carbonation, which speeds up the body’s absorption of the alcohol, so drinking liquor after beer means the body has even less time to process it." Plus, you're mixing the amounts of "congeners" which are the impurities in drinks that make us sick.

There's nothing like educating yourself :)


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