Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I'm in North Carolina right now. I'm interviewing at Duke University and Univ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. And there are two things that amaze and confuse me.

1. Everyone's white. I interviewed with three blondes, a brunette and myself. It seemed like people found it interesting that I was obviously Mexican (last name). After I would introduce myself, the next question was usually "where are you from?" And then, "do you speak Spanish?" Do I have a nopal on my forehead? Does my English have a Spanish accent? Am I brown? (ask me about the brown comment later) I'm not really offended as much as I am taken aback. I'm surprised. I've been living in Texas for about 18 years now. I've been surrounded by Mexicans almost all my life. I've forgotten what it feels like to be a minority. I've probably never known what it feels like to be a minority. We make up 4% of the population here.

2. The trees. Durham has a population of close to 200,000. But I'm like "Where are all the people?" All I see is these 'supposed' Highways and these trees. Gonzo and Peter suggested I name the trees and live amongst them as a family. I think they wanted to use me as a psychiatric specimen. I hear there's a good First Break Psychosis Center around here...

Where are the mesquites, laureles, sage brush and nopales?


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