Thursday, December 08, 2005

Old Friendster Entries.

I decided to change my blog to prevent all those emails friendster would send out each time I made an entry...

I was going to cut and paste my friendster blog entries into this one but that started taking too long. I lost interest. Then, I started looking for the FULL HOUSE house. I just came back from a trip to San Francisco. I missed the part of the tour where the tour guide pointed out the home because I was lost. "FULL HOUSE house--" I did not know what she was saying. I also saw the Rice A Roni hill. I can't find it again though. I don't know where it was. However, I can point out Marilyn Manson's old home, the painted ladies and a bunch of other landmarks. If my medical school career goes amuck, I can always be a tour guide.

Well, I found the house. It looks like all other SF houses. However, here's a link to the song. Come on, sing along, I know you know the words.

So, what's new with me? Well, my aunt just had a baby. She's 27 1/2, just a year and a half older than me. Looks like I'm next in the line up. At least I have my graduation coming up to distract my family members from noticing that I'm completely and utterly useless, i mean single. They'll have this baby around for a while to play with so they won't notice.

A friend of mine is getting divorced. That's a fun topic for me. They were together for seven years, lived together the last year and were married for a month! I decided to call him Ross. His hearing is the 14th.

Okay, a crazy thing happened. I was gone from my apartment that I share with my brother and he had several mini-disasters. Okay maybe just one--he burnt a pot of beans. (Yes, we're beaners.) The apartment smells. What is he gonna do if I leave?


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